District Nutrition Monitoring System

District Nutrition Monitoring System (DNMS) is an integrated nutrition surveillance system customized and developed on DHIS2 platform. This state of art solution which was developed for ministry of health, Sri Lanka is maintained by HISP Sri Lanka. DNMS includes a customized Android mobile data collection tool which serves both functionalities of data collection and analysis. Field level healthcare workers use this mobile application to collect information related to malnourished children in the field, which is synchronized with the central server running a customized DHIS2 instance. Field and regional level supervisors can easily track the progress of the implementation by use of DNMS web app which is also a custom development of HISP Sri Lanka.

DNMS has received recognitions at national, regional and global award ceremonies for use of technology for betterment of health of community. It has won eSwabhimani national award of Sri Lanka, mBillionth Award for best mobile tool in South Asia, Commonwealth Digital Health Award for best mobile solution in healthcare and United Nation’s World Summit award for best application in health domain.


Commonwealth Digital Health Award

mBillionth Digital Health Award

World Summit Award